Harnessing the Power of Bookends to Optimize Your Nervous System
In our fast-paced world, finding balance and maintaining overall well-being can be a challenge. However, by understanding the remarkable...
Harnessing the Power of Bookends to Optimize Your Nervous System
Unleashing the Power of Glimmers: The Counterpart to Triggers
PTSD/CPTSD and Relationships
A Holistic Approach to Self-Care: Nurture Your Mind, Body, and Soul.
Essential Trauma Recovery Tools for Effective Healing
Our emotions are important messengers.
The Neurology of Mindfulness and Meditation by Shirley Davis | Jul 17, 2023 | CPTSD, Mindfulness
Harness your Brain Chemicals that Make You Feel Good. Helpful chart to help you feel more positive.
15-Minute-Neurosensory-Exercise- De-stress and help with anxiety and overwhelming emotions.
Clinicians QuandaryThe Power of Humor Five Ways Therapists Put This “Best Medicine” to Use